So it turns out my buddy JT brought his computer with him for the first leg of our bachelor party trip...which means you guys get a little sneak peek from Reno.
A lot happened on day one, like me missing my first flight out of San Diego, an absolute comedy fest on the drive up to Reno from San Francisco and a group of 12 guys posing on a pack of wild stallions at 3 in the morning. All pretty amazing happenings, sure...but not the most amazing. That honor goes to a little event I like to call "CHiP's".
You see, while JT brought his computer on the trip, the best man brought his CHP badge. All of a sudden a 17-inch screen and Intel HD Graphics doesn't seem so cool. Of course a badge is just a badge, until you get to use it that is. Somewhere over the Donor Pass doing 87 mph our CHP officer was pulled over by another CHP officer, and what happened next was enough to make me want to go to the academy and get my own badge.
Our guy told the other guy, "Sorry for going so fast. We're on our way up to Reno for the weekend." Not that powerful of an argument in my mind, but coupled with the badge he presented, convincing enough. The other guy's response was something along the lines of, "Alright, drive safe"...and just like that we were on our way.
Like I said...amazing.
Donner* Pass. Sorry to be a stickler, I just love the Truckee region and want it to get the recognition it deserves.