With the 4th of July weekend right around the corner, it got me thinking. I love the 4th...probably because growing up in Coronado that was always the biggest holiday of the year. So now every year I look forward to the parade, the BBQ's, the fireworks and all my friends partying in one place. It seems like half of the fun is the anticipation, I just love it!
That said I think we can all agree that sometimes the night's that are the most fun are the ones that you never saw coming. Case in point, the Lost Abbey Dinner at The Lodge in Torrey Pines last night. Not only were we treated to an amazing 4-course meal paired with some of the most interesting and flavorful beers I have ever tasted, but we got to sit with the man who makes all the beer for Lost Abbey, Tomme Arthur.
I don't know a lot of brewmasters, but the ones I do all have at least one thing in common...they love beer and they love to talk about beer. Okay two things in common. I'll say this, it certainly makes for great dinner conversation and it was a wonderful education for everything from how the beer was made to why the craft beer industry has taken off in San Diego. I'm telling you it was awesome.
If that wasn't enough, at the end of the night my friend Will treated Megan and I to an amazing room at The Lodge. Which was great because The Lodge is a beautiful hotel and I was hammered...never saw it coming.
Lost Abbey is definitely becoming my new favorite. Awesome flavor... or maybe it's the goblets they're usually served in.