I grew up playing sports and now I cover professional athletes everyday as part of my job, so spare me the witty retorts about coming in second place...I've heard them all.
"Second place is the first loser."
"If you're not first, you're last."
"There are no points for second place."
To be fair my wife would probably tell you that I fall closer to Ricky Bobby then Mr. Rogers on the competitive scale, but the truth is I was so stoked be the runner up in the 4th annual Malashock Thinks You Can Dance celebrity fundraiser that I haven't been able to stop smiling. Seriously...my cheeks are starting to hurt.
I had so much fun and am so thankful to have been a part of the event. For that I owe a debt of gratitude to my friend Megan Kennedy for getting me involved. Of course I couldn't have done it without my dance partner Shanna who was unbelievable to work with and such a good teacher. Most of all though I have to thank my wife for putting up with all the jazz hands, open vests and the constant Tango music.
In case you were curious, I lost to a 68 yr old women...but damn could she dance.
Congratulations, John! That is so cool! So sorry we couldn't make it...our living room is open if you'd like to do a repeat performance for those not in attendance ;)