A funny thing happened to me today. I went to a lunch meeting at the East Village Tavern this afternoon to talk about a really cool fundraiser that I am going to be putting on towards the end of November, and guess what I stumbled upon.
Maybe the picture gives it away, but you guessed right...the San Diego Seduction!
For those of you who haven't googled it yet, the Seduction is a women's football team that plays in the Lingerie Football League...that's the LFL to you and me Rusty. As it turns out there first home game of the season is this Friday, and in an attempt to create a little buzz around the event they held a media blitz at EVT today. Only problem was most of the media didn't get the memo. In fact only one station showed up...well two if you count me.
So in the spirit of Title IX and purely in the interest of promoting women's athletics I agreed to pose in a picture with a few of the girls in order to help raise awareness for their sport. Sure it interrupted our meeting and yeah the guys I was with seemed a little perturbed with the intrusion...but that's just the way I am.
I look out for the little guys...and their hot sisters.
Hmmm, for some reason I don't think minded posing for this picture ;)