As a sportscaster I end up getting to play in a lot of charity golf tournaments and I always have a good time. In fact I'm playing in Mark Grant's this Friday and I can't wait. The thing is I have always been a little jealous of my colleagues who throw these events because I think it is so important to - quote "give back to those less fortunate". It might sound like a cliche, but who cares, raising money for a charity you believe in is a wonderful thing to do.
Well I am happy to announce that I finally have my own charity event to rally behind...and it is going to be awesome!!! You can find all the info you need at FacialHairFormal.com, but the gist of it is pretty straight forward.
The month formally known as November has been transformed into Movember, a month all about raising awareness (and money) for Prostate and Testicular cancer research. The way you raise that awareness is the best part...you do it by growing a mustache for the month. The rules are simple, start clean shaven on the 1st and groom your mustache until the 30th. The mustache is our pink ribbon. A way for each of us show our support for those effected by these cancers.
The fund raising comes from the Facial Hair Formal that I am throwing on the 27th. If you live in San Diego I highly recommend that you attend this event...it is going to be hilarious and a ton of fun. We are still hashing out the VIP guest list but I can tell you that we have some sweet prizes lined up for the Mr and Mrs Movember contest.
The venue is small so if you want to come, register on the website right now and reserve your space. We're asking for a $10 donation at the door. See you on the 27th.
Hey John, my Movember team has a few local members, plus I know others not on my team that are growing staches.
ReplyDeleteLet me know how I can participate and help promote.
Just direct them to the website and tell them to come to the party. That's it...clean and simple, just like my mustache.