I can't imagine what it would have been like to have Steve Garvey come to my 3rd grade class back in 1984 as my "show and tell" guest. I mean seriously, I cannot even comprehend what that would have felt like.
I can tell you this, 26 years later it was pretty flipping cool to watch Adrian Gonzalez visit Bird Rock Elementary school He was there as part of a sweepstakes that Round Table Pizza and Channel 4 put on during the baseball season. The concept was simple, register at a Round Table Pizzeria and if your name got picked, like Christy Jorgensen's did, you got to take a Padre to school for show and tell. As it worked out, Adrian was that Padres and today was that day.
The coolest part was getting to see the kids (and the parents) so fired-up to meet Adrian...but a close second in my book was Adrian himself. Adrian is the most high profile member of the Padres. He's a 2-time Gold Glove winner and a 3-time All-Star, and yet when he arrived for the event (on time no less) the only person with him was his wife. No entourage, no hanger-oners, no thugs, no nothing...just Betsy.
How refreshing is that?
I have no idea how long Adrian will remain a Padre, it's conceivable that he has already played his last game as a Friar. I do know this, when he's gone I will miss him. I'll miss his homeruns, I'll miss his defense, I'll miss his arm, but most of all I will miss who he was...a good guy.
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