Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ain't Technology Grand?

I did something today I haven't done all But don't worry I didn't work too hard, just an hour or so and I didn't even leave my house. That last part is the cool part, not that I couldn't stand to get outside a little bit, but it's the technology that allowed me to stay at home that I think is so cool.

Little back story for you, in November I shot a pilot for a show called "UnScrewed" that is being developed for the History Channel. Whether it actually gets picked up our not is a question that won't be answered for another 2 to 9 months...if it does I'll tell you all about it then. For now you just need to know that tonight I had to voice some "pick-ups" for the pilot episode.

That's the part with the cool technology. You see as recently as 2 years ago there is no way I could have recorded broadcast quality voice over's while sitting in my office at home...not without spending a gazillion dollars that is. Now for only about $250 I own the Yeti Pro, a really good microphone that plugs directly into my computer.

That, a couple of pillows, a spoon full of honey and I'm ready to conquer the world. That's how to work.


  1. Just watched the premiere of Unscrewed. I WANT TO BE ON THIS SHOW! That was awesome, absolutely my kinda thing, and I really hope it gets picked up.

  2. I have no idea who you are but I was flipping through the channels this morning and I came across Unscrewed. My entire family and I were hooked and loved the whole thing. I really think it is a great concept and gives a much needed break from all these scripted reality shows. I really hope it gets picked up! Good luck
