I've never actually gotten stuck in an elevator before (I know, huge jinx) but I almost did on Saturday night with all of these people. For the record there were 13 of us plus a dog.
We were at my buddy Teevan's building in Little Italy, all heading up from the BBQ area in the elevator, and the thing wouldn't budge. Actually that's not completely true. We were all in the elevator with the doors closed and the thing just kept sort of bouncing. It would try to start, maybe go up about 6 inches and then slip back down all of a sudden. It did that about 5 times before somebody thought to open the doors.
At that point it was like somebody yelled "Fire!" in a crowded theater. 13 people and one dog all got the hell out of that elevator in about 5 secs flat. Then we waited a minute and half the people got right back in the elevator and rode it up 9 floors without incidence. The other half got in the other elevator.
Hey 9 floors is a long way to walk with dirty dishes.
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